Senin, 26 Agustus 2013


ya ampun Dawiya, just one pict make you cheerfull today..ok itsn't worst.
SUMPAAHHH...hari ini itu aku bettteeeeeeeeeeee bangeeetttttt...!!!!
aku pengen pulang aja rasanya...ya pngen pulang saja rasanya. Kenapa aku kuliah jauh2 ya?
kalo saja aku kuliah disana dan kerja part time pasti aku bisa menikmati hariku...same with my friend did.
Ya, aku memng bekerja untuk bapakku dan bapakku mengakumulasi dan membayarnya pada akhir liburanku. But, it's not what I want, I just wanna my father treat me like others, i mean he pay me as him labour as usual. No Dad, you must treated equally. And ths one, My Mom, you know what until now i can't manage my money, it's because of you mom....I dunno why you transfer ur money even i didn't call you,,and the trouble i didn't count it...i know ur daugther is dumb*** but mom, i just wanna survive in my life...#cieedddeeeeh #sokkuat HAHAHA!
Right guys,
oh iya sampe lupa, here's the pict

I get the pict in our dept website..gyahahaha..nothing special but i'm not wondering our senior will choose this pict for uploaded in our dept website..oh iya, i never have my pict with my activity before,,coz i never given the the's not big deal, but i just can't show to my parents #gettingsad
I know Mom, Dad, all of you are hard worker..but i must showing you that fruits didn't fall far from the tree hehehe..i know my character was bad, but is not.

Senin, 12 Agustus 2013

Trip to Derawan Island

The first, if you take by plane you can take off from Jakarta (Bandara International Soekarno Hatta) to Balikpapan (Bandara International Sepinggan) it's take 1 hour 51 minutes. And you must transit to Bandar Udara Kalimarau (Berau) for 30 minutes. there's 5 flights from Balikpapan transit to Berau, Garuda Indonesia, Batavia Air, Sriwijaya Air, Trigana Air ect.
Then, from Berau you can rent a car to the Port of Tanjung Batu. One-way rental prices ranging from Rp 300,000 capacity for 8 to 10 people and trip about 2 hours . From Tanjung Batu by speedboat to Derawan Island about 20 minutes. Prices start at Rp 250,000 per vessel for capacity of four to six people. Or you can rent ships or vessel for capacity 10 to 30 people that the prices start at Rp. 500,000 per vessel.
Dont close your eyes when you crose over cause too precious to miss it.

Have Nice Trip and...
See you in Derawan Festival 2013 ^_^